摘要:A grassroots committee of faculty and administrators fr om eight academic and student service units at the George Washington University used a five - phase process to identify the ePortfolio needs of its diverse community; select appropriate technologies to support the breadth of functions required; perform usabi lity studies; pilot test the platform; and evaluate the outcomes of this process. The ad hoc committee identified a wide range of unique uses of ePortfolios, including: facilitating reflection and critical thinking; documenting student learning and program outcomes for accreditation purposes; facilitating advisement; and highlighting student skills and accomplishments for potential employers and graduate schools. As a result of these grassroots efforts, the Office of the Provost funded a pilot test for 1000 participants to use the selected ePortfolio solution. Key outcomes of the process include assessing the feasibility of a unified, university - wide ePortfolio platform; creating a structure for a centralized approach to faculty and student development; and obtaining data to support future decision - making regarding long - term adoption of the ePortfolio platform. Further, the work of the committee led to the development of a learning community comprised of ePortfolio champions and early adopters, which will be critical to the potential long - term, university - wide adoption of ePortfolios.