期刊名称:International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
摘要:CONTXEXT:-Software outsourcing partnership (SOP) is a relationship between client and vendor organizations for shared goals. A SOP is different than ordinary outsourcing contractual relationship. Usually a successful outsourcing relationship may lead to outsourcing partnership. OBJECTIVE:-The objective of this research is to identify factors via systematic literature review (SLR), that are significant to be developed by outsourcing vendor organization which lead them to convert existing outsourcing contractual relationship into outsourcing partnership with client organization. METHOD: -SLR will be used for the aforementioned objective. SLR is based on a structured protocol and is more thorough than ordinary review. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: - We have developed a SLR protocol for the SOP and are in the process of implementing the protocol. The anticipated outcome of this review will be a list of critical success factors (CSFs) and critical risks (CRs) which can have a positive or a negative role in building or converting the existing outsourcing relationship into outsourcing partnership. The ultimate aim of this research is the development of SOP Model.
关键词:Client-Vendor Relationship; Software Outsourcing partnership; Software ; Outsourcing partnership Model