标题:Ant Colony System: An Approach for the Design of a Single Database to Establish Any Node-to-node Connectivity for Robot Path Planning in a Robot Colony
期刊名称:International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
摘要:In Ant Colony System, the agents or the ants travel in search of foods by following one another that is they show the swarming behavior along the searching path of the food source and return path towards the hive. In the artificial ant system or the robot system, the same operation of the robot can be observed by the suitable design of the travelling path. The path design and the travelling technique are already proposed in my two previous works. Those designs include different types of algorithms for different opeartions. Kruskel's algorithm is applied to find the shortest path in between any two nodes, one is the source and another is the destination node. But the disadvantage of this design is the longer simulation time as three algorithms is required to travel from one node to another node and naturally several numbers of the databases are required to hold all the information about the entire robot colony. In this paper, a single database is proposed that can hold all the connectivity and which can be driven with a single algorithm. The proposed method is compared with the other previous techniques of finding the shortest path and the result set represented here showing the efficiency of the proposed method.