期刊名称:International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
摘要:A digital watermark is a type of indicator covertly embedded in the noise tolerant signal such as an image or audio data. Digital watermarking is the method that embeds information known as a watermark into the multimedia object such that the watermark can be extracted or detected later to create an assertion about the object. Embedded watermark will permit recognizing the owner of the work hardware implementation. This idea is applicable for the digital video and audio also. Embedding a digital signal (image, video or video) with data which cannot be easily eliminated is called digital watermarking. Digital watermarks may be used to the authenticate the integrity or authenticity of the carrier signal or to display the identity of its owners Digital watermarking is used as a key result to create the document transferring protected from unlawful interferences. Digital watermark methods are used in numerous areas such as copyright owner identification, protection and broadcast monitoring. Digital watermarking is the processing of combined information into a digital signal. A watermark is a secondary image, which is overlaid on the host image, and provides a means of protecting the image. In this paper, aim is to present a survey of numerous methods on the basis of digital image watermarking. The digital watermarking method is becoming more important in this developing society of internet. The goal of this implementation is to survey the different techniques for Digital Watermarking
关键词:Digital watermarking; Embeds data; embedded watermark; DCT and DWT