标题:Szeged-Tápé-Lebőről származó régészeti kovakő-eszközök vizsgálata archeometriai módszerekkel = Archaeometrical investigation of flint archaeological artefacts from Szeged-Tápé-Lebő
摘要:Jelen kutat¨¢s sor¨¢n a Szeged-T¨¢p¨¦-Leb. lel. helyr.l sz¨¢rmaz¨® terepbej¨¢r¨¢si anyag feldolgoz¨¢s¨¢nak r¨¦szek¨¦nt a kova anyag¨² pattintott k.eszk.z.k vizsg¨¢lat¨¢ra .sszpontos¨ªtottunk nyersanyag- ¨¦s proveniencia azonos¨ªt¨¢s c¨¦lj¨¢b¨®l. A Mecsek, a Bakony ¨¦s a Tokaji-hegys¨¦g ter¨¹let¨¦r. l, ismert lel. helyekr. l sz¨¢rmaz¨® geol¨®giai mint¨¢kat haszn¨¢ltunk fel referenciak¨¦nt. A leletanyagot a Szegedi Tudom¨¢nyegyetem ¨¢sv¨¢nytani, Geok¨¦miai ¨¦s K.zettani Tansz¨¦k¨¦n vizsg¨¢ltuk petrogr¨¢fiai, f¨¢zisanalitikai valamint f. - ¨¦s nyomelem k¨¦miai m¨®dszerekkel. A r¨¦g¨¦szeti mint¨¢k k.z¨¹l 19 darab radiolaritnak m¨ªg 4 darab hidro- limnokvarcitnak ad¨®dott. A mecseki ¨¦s bakonyi geol¨®giai mint¨¢k radiolaritok, ez al¨®l csak egy bakonyi spongiolit minta ¨¦s k¨¦t szint¨¦n bakonyi t.zk. minta a kiv¨¦tel. Az Erd.horv¨¢tib¨®l ¨¦s Hejc¨¦r. l sz¨¢rmaz¨®k hidro- illetve limnokvarcitnak hat¨¢rozhat¨®k meg. A k¨¦miai .sszet¨¦tel alapj¨¢n meg¨¢llap¨ªthat¨®, hogy a mecseki mint¨¢k magasabb CaO tartalommal b¨ªrnak, mely magasabb karbon¨¢t-tartalmukra vezethet. vissza. A f. -¨¦s nyomelem adatokra alkalmazott t.bbv¨¢ltoz¨®s diszkriminancia anal¨ªzis alapj¨¢n 90 %-os val¨®sz¨ªn. s¨¦ggel siker¨¹lt elk¨¹l.n¨ªten¨¹nk a bakonyi ¨¦s mecseki radiolaritokat valamint a hidro- limnokvarcitokat. .t darab r¨¦g¨¦szeti minta adatai vetett¨¹k al¨¢ az elj¨¢r¨¢snak, mely sor¨¢n egyet hidro-, limnokvarcit, n¨¦gyet pedig mecseki radiolarit kateg¨®ri¨¢ba sorolt az anal¨ªzis. Ez egybev¨¢g az el.zetes r¨¦g¨¦szeti feltev¨¦ssel
其他摘要:Our research is aimed primarily at the study of chipped stone tools from a systematic field survey at Szeged- T¨¢p¨¦-Leb. , SE Hungary. The aim of this paper is to present the results of investigations with special attention to identification of potential geological sources of the artefacts made of flint/chert using reference geological samples from the Mecsek, Bakony and Tokaj Mountains. We have carried out the microscopic analysis of the lithic raw materials, furthermore phase analyses and main and trace elements analyses. 19 pieces from the archaeological artefacts were made of radiolarite and 4 were made of hydro- limnoquartzite. The geological samples from Mecsek and Bakony were radiolarites, except a spongiolite and two cherts from the Bakony Mountains. Samples from Erd. horv¨¢ti and Hejce were hydro- and limnoquartzite, respectively. The samples from Mecsek have higher CaO content, possibly due to higher carbonate content. We analysed statistically the chemical composition data with the use of multiple discriminant analysis. Based on the results we could separate the samples from the Bakony Mountains, the samples from the Mecsek Mountains and the hydro- and limno- quartzites in 90% positivity. We also analysed five archaeological samples. One was made of hydro-, limnoquartzite, four were of Mecsek radiolarites. The results are in conformity with previously archaeological hypotheses