标题:Possible provenances of nephrite artefacts found on Hungarian archaeological sites (preliminary results) = Magyarországi régészeti lelőhelyeken talált nefrit eszközök és ezek lehetséges származási helye (előzetes eredmények)
摘要:Magyarorsz¨¢gi r¨¦g¨¦szeti leletanyagban nefritet csak kis sz¨¢mban ismer¨¹nk, f.k¨¦nt csiszolt k. eszk.z.k nyersanyagak¨¦nt ¨¦s t.bbnyire dun¨¢nt¨²li lel.helyekr.l. Munk¨¢nk c¨¦lja a nefrit k.eszk.z.k ismertet¨¦se, r¨¦szletes k. zettani ¨¦s geok¨¦miai vizsg¨¢lata; nyersanyaguk szerinti csoportos¨ªt¨¢sa, illetve a nyersanyagok sz¨¢rmaz¨¢si hely¨¦re vonatkoz¨® k.vetkeztet¨¦sek levon¨¢sa. A k. eszk.z.k ¨¦ps¨¦g¨¦nek meg.rz¨¦se ¨¦rdek¨¦ben csak roncsol¨¢smentes vizsg¨¢latokat alkalmaztunk (PGAA, roncsol¨¢smentes SEM-EDX). Cikk¨¹nkben el. zetes eredm¨¦nyeket k.zl¨¹nk. Teljes k. zet k¨¦miai .sszet¨¦tel¨¹k alapj¨¢n a m¨¢r megvizsg¨¢lt nefrit k.eszk.z.k nagy r¨¦sze S-t¨ªpus¨² (szerpentinesedett utrab¨¢zisos k. zetes-t¨ªpus¨²) nefrit-lel. helyekhez k.thet.. Eredm¨¦nyeink alapj¨¢n az eddig megvizsg¨¢lt k. eszk.z.k ¨C nyersanyaguk mikroszk¨®pos ¨¦s ¨¢sv¨¢nyk¨¦miai jellemz. i alapj¨¢n ¨C .t csoportba sorolhat¨®k: (1) szinte "tiszta" tremolit-nefrit, csak apr¨® magnetit, ritk¨¢n ilmenit szemcs¨¦ket tartalmaz, valamint pirox¨¦n ut¨¢ni pszeudomorf¨®z¨¢kat; (2) szinte "tiszta" aktinolit-nefrit, csak apr¨® magnetit, ritk¨¢n ilmenit szemcs¨¦ket tartalmaz; (3) szinte "tiszta" tremolit-nefrit, kev¨¦s klorittal ¨¦s pirox¨¦n ut¨¢ni pszeudomorf¨®z¨¢val; (4) aktinolit-nefrit, klorittal, relikt klinopirox¨¦nekkel (diopsziddal), pirox¨¦n ut¨¢ni pszeudomorf¨®z¨¢kkal, spinellekkel ¨¦s gr¨¢n¨¢tokkal. Magnetit, limonit, apatit ¨¦s titanit szint¨¦n megtal¨¢lhat¨® ebben a t¨ªpusban. Nagyon jellegzetes k¨¦pet mutat a spinellek (kr¨®mit) ¨¦s gr¨¢n¨¢tok (grosszul¨¢r) egy¨¹ttes megjelen¨¦se. (5) aktinolit-nefrit (n¨¦h¨¢ny esetben tremolit is megtal¨¢lhat¨® benne) klorittal, relikt klinopirox¨¦nekkel ¨¦s spinellekkel (kr¨®mittal); a gr¨¢n¨¢tok ebb. l a t¨ªpusb¨®l hi¨¢nyoznak. Az eur¨®pai nefritlel. helyek nyersanyagt¨ªpusair¨®l ¨C irodalmi adatok ¨¦s ¨¢ltalunk vizsg¨¢lt mint¨¢k alapj¨¢n - ¨¢ltalunk k¨¦sz¨ªtett adatb¨¢zist (P¨¦terdi et al. 2014) haszn¨¢ltuk a lehets¨¦ges nyersanyagforr¨¢sok azonos¨ªt¨¢s¨¢hoz. Az eddig megvizsg¨¢lt nefrit k.eszk.z.k makroszk¨®pos megjelen¨¦se, ¨¢sv¨¢nyos .sszet¨¦tele, sz.vete, valamint teljes k. zet k¨¦miai .sszet¨¦tele alapj¨¢n a legval¨®sz¨ªn. bb nyersanyag forr¨¢ster¨¹letek a k.vetkez.k: Az (1) ¨¦s (3) t¨ªpus nyersanyag¨¢nak forr¨¢sa Jordan¨®w (Als¨®-Szil¨¦zia, Lengyelorsz¨¢g). A t.bbi t¨ªpus nyersanyag-eredete m¨¦g nem tiszt¨¢zott, de egyes sv¨¢jci lel.helyek jellemz. i nagy hasonl¨®s¨¢got mutatnak ezekkel a t¨ªpusokkal. Az egyik jordan¨®wi nefrit-t¨ªpus nagyon hasonl¨ªt a (4) t¨ªpusra, de a f. k.zetalkot¨® amfibol Jordan¨®wban a tremolit, m¨ªg a 4. t¨ªpusba tartoz¨® r¨¦g¨¦szeti leletek eset¨¦ben aktonolit
其他摘要:Nephrite is mainly known in prehistoric context as raw material for polished stone tools. It is present among archaeological finds in Hungary only in a few numbers. They are known mostly from Transdanubian archaeological sites. The general aim of our investigations is the detailed petrographic and geochemical examination of the nephrite artefacts found on Hungarian sites, and locating the origin of the raw materials. The material was basically investigated by non-destructive methods (PGAA, non-destructive SEM-EDX) to avoid invasive analyses on the complete artefacts. In this study, preliminary results are presented. Based on their chemical composition, most of the artefacts measured so far belong to the S-type (serpentinite- related) nephrite deposits. On the basis of their microscopic and mineral-chemical features, the artefacts investigated so far can be divided into five raw material types: (1) almost pure tremolite-nephrite with only a few fine grained magnetite or ilmenite grains and some pseudomorphs after pyroxenes; (2) almost pure actinolite-nephrite with only a few very fine grained magnetite or ilmenite grains; (3) almost pure tremolite-nephrite with a few chlorite and some pseudomorphs after pyroxenes; (4) actinolite-nephrite, with chlorite, relict clinopyroxenes (diopside), pseudomorphs after pyroxene, spinels and garnets. Magnetite, limonite, apatite and titanite also occur. There is a typical association of chromite spinel and grossular garnet in this type; (5) actinolite-nephrite ¨C sometimes also tremolite - with chlorite, relict clinopyroxenes and spinel (chromite), but garnet is missing. We have already built a database of the possible nephrite raw material sources of Europe - descriptions and survey data: mineral-, textural- and chemical composition (P¨¦terdi et al., 2014.). On the basis of our investigations the most probable raw-material sources are the following: type (1) and (3) belongs to Jordan¨®w, Poland. The provenance of the other types is not so clear, but we have candidates from the Swiss Alps. There is a nephrite type in Jordan¨®w, that looks very similar to type (4), but the main amphibole type is tremolite in all Jordan¨®w samples, while actinolite in the type four artefacts