标题:Preliminary results of an archaeometrical study of the Ecse-Halom (kurgan) IN Hortobágy, Hungary = A hortobágyi Ecse-Halom archeometriai vizsgálatának előzetes eredményei
摘要:Az Ecse-halom egy a k¨¦s. r¨¦zkor ¨¦s kora bronzkor sor¨¢n, keleti nagy¨¢llattart¨® n¨¦pek ¨¢ltal fel¨¦p¨ªtett kurg¨¢n a Hortob¨¢gy ter¨¹let¨¦n. Maga a halom k¨¦t modern telep¨¹l¨¦s hat¨¢rvonal¨¢n tal¨¢lhat¨®, amely ment¨¦n egy, m¨¢r a k.z¨¦pkor sor¨¢n kialakult f.ld¨²t m¨¦ly¨¹l a kurg¨¢n k.zponti r¨¦sz¨¦be. A halom d¨¦li r¨¦sz¨¦t a 20. sz¨¢zad k.zep¨¦n rizsf.ldk¨¦nt hasznos¨ªtott¨¢k, k¨¦s.bb egy szovjet katonai megfigyel. pontot is ¨¦p¨ªtettek a halomra. Ennek ellen¨¦re a halom felsz¨ªne helyenk¨¦nt viszonylag j¨®l meg.rz. d.tt, ezeken a r¨¦szeken fajgazdag l.szsztyepp veget¨¢ci¨® maradt fenn. 2011 tel¨¦n S¨¹megi P¨¢l professzor vezet¨¦s¨¦vel egy zavartalan magf¨²r¨¢st m¨¦ly¨ªtett¨¹nk az . skori n¨¦pek ¨¢ltal kialak¨ªtott halomba ¨¦s a b¨¦l¨¦scs.ves f¨²r¨¢s ¨¢ltal felt¨¢rt ¨¹led¨¦kszelv¨¦nyen komplex archeometriai vizsg¨¢latot v¨¦gezt¨¹nk el. Az egyes r¨¦tegz.d¨¦sek elt¨¦r. m¨¢gneses szuszceptibilit¨¢s-¨¦rt¨¦kei is meger. s¨ªtik, hogy a halmot k¨¦t f¨¢zisban hordt¨¢k fel, m¨ªg a karbon¨¢t- ¨¦s szervesanyag-tartalom arr¨®l tan¨²skodik, hogy igen v¨¢ltozatos talajtani k.rnyezetb. l sz¨¢rmazott a halom ¨¹led¨¦kanyaga. A szemcse.sszet¨¦tel alapj¨¢n a k.zetliszt volt az uralkod¨® szemcsefrakci¨® a halomtestet alkot¨® ¨¹led¨¦kanyagban
其他摘要:Ecse-halom is a kurgan in the Hortob¨¢gy region in Hungary that was built during the Late Copper Age/Early Bronze Age by eastern nomadic communities. It is located on the border between two modern settlements. A road of medieval origin runs along the body of the mound and separates it into two parts. Its southern half was ploughed and used as a rice field; later a military observation tower was built on the top of it. Despite of all the surface of the mound is in a fairly good condition and provides a home for regionally significant, species-rich loess steppe vegetation. During the winter of 2011 the research team of Professor P¨¢l S¨¹megi conducted an undisturbed core in Ecse-halom and complex archaeometrical analyses were carried out on the profile of the mound. The mound comprises two construction layers as indicated by the decrease of magnetic susceptibility. The examination of organic compounds and carbonate content at various levels showed different values. The distribution of grain size within the section is characterized by mid-sized silt fraction