首页    期刊浏览 2024年09月20日 星期五


  • 标题:Különböző korú Zsolnay épületkerámiák összehasonlító anyagtani vizsgálata = Comparative material examination of Zsolnay architectural ceramics of different age
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  • 作者:Baricza Ágnes ; Bajnóczi Bernadett ; Szabó Máté
  • 期刊名称:Archeometriai Műhely
  • 电子版ISSN:1786-271X
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:12
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:33-50
  • 出版社:Hungarian National Museum
  • 摘要:A p¨¦csi Zsolnay manufakt¨²ra egy a magyar ker¨¢miaipar ter¨¹let¨¦n kiemelked. teljes¨ªtm¨¦nyt ny¨²jt¨® gy¨¢rak k.z¨¹l, amelyek nemcsak Magyarorsz¨¢gon, hanem Eur¨®pa szerte is ismertek, mint sz¨ªnvonalas ¨¦s egyedi term¨¦kek k¨¦sz¨ªt.i. A gy¨¢r ¨¢ltal forgalmazott, .hungarikumk¨¦nt" sz¨¢mon tartott ker¨¢mi¨¢k anyagtudom¨¢nyi vizsg¨¢lata m¨¦gis r¨¦szleges, illetve hi¨¢nyos sok tekintetben. Jelen tanulm¨¢ny c¨¦lja k¨¦t budapesti ¨¦p¨¹letr. l, az Iparm. v¨¦szeti M¨²zeumr¨®l ¨¦s a Magyar F.ldtani ¨¦s Geofizikai Int¨¦zetr. l sz¨¢rmaz¨® Zsolnay m¨¢zas tet. cserepek anyagtani vizsg¨¢lata. A cser¨¦pt.red¨¦kek ¨¦s eg¨¦sz cserepek h¨¢rom k¨¹l.nb.z. - ¨¦p¨ªt¨¦si ¨¦s k¨¦t fel¨²j¨ªt¨¢si - id. szakb¨®l sz¨¢rmaznak. A ker¨¢mi¨¢k f¨¢zis.sszet¨¦tel¨¦t r.ntgen- pordiffrakci¨®s technik¨¢val hat¨¢roztuk meg, m¨ªg a sz.vetet ¨¦s a nem plasztikus elegyr¨¦szeket polariz¨¢ci¨®s mikroszk¨®ppal ¨¦s p¨¢szt¨¢z¨® elektronmikroszk¨®ppal vizsg¨¢ltuk. A m¨¢zak mikroszerkezet¨¦t (sz.vet¨¦t) ¨¦s k¨¦miai .sszet¨¦tel¨¦t p¨¢szt¨¢z¨® elektronmikroszk¨®ppal ¨¦s energiadiszperz¨ªv r.ntgenspektrom¨¦terrel felszerelt elektron- mikroszond¨¢val tanulm¨¢nyoztuk. A ker¨¢mi¨¢k ¨®lom- ¨¦s alk¨¢li m¨¢zakkal bor¨ªtottak, amely a m¨²zeumi tet.cserepek eset¨¦ben vassal (s¨¢rga m¨¢z) ¨¦s kr¨®mmal/r¨¦zzel/vassal (z.ld m¨¢z) sz¨ªnezett, m¨ªg a F.ldtani Int¨¦zet k¨¦k m¨¢za kobalttal sz¨ªnezett, az ut¨®bbihoz ¨®n-oxid hom¨¢lyos¨ªt¨®t is adagoltak. A ker¨¢mia-alaptestek f. f¨¢zisai a kvarc cristobalit, mullit, v¨¢ltoz¨® m¨¦rt¨¦kben a k¨¢lif.ldp¨¢t/plagiokl¨¢sz ¨¦s hematit; a f¨¢zis.sszet¨¦tel kaolinites nyersanyag (kaolin) felhaszn¨¢l¨¢s¨¢ra utal. A mint¨¢z¨¢s sor¨¢n kapott inform¨¢ci¨®k alapj¨¢n kidolgoztuk az ¨¦p¨¹letker¨¢mi¨¢k el. zetes csoportos¨ªt¨¢s¨¢t, amelyet az egyes elemek anyagtani jellegzetess¨¦gei (ker¨¢mia nyersanyag, ker¨¢mia-m¨¢z hat¨¢ra) k.zti anal¨®gi¨¢k is meger.s¨ªtettek. Az .sszegzett inform¨¢ci¨®k ¨ªgy egy¨¹ttesen szolg¨¢ltak alapul a ker¨¢mi¨¢k csoportba rendez¨¦s¨¦hez ¨¦s gy¨¢rt¨¢si korhoz k.t¨¦s¨¦hez. A megk¨¹l.nb.ztetett csoportok tov¨¢bbi vizsg¨¢lata sor¨¢n fellelt egyedi jellegek (nyersanyagbeli k¨¹l.nbs¨¦gek, elt¨¦r. m¨¢zsz¨ªnez¨¦s) a k¨¦sz¨ªt¨¦s m¨®dj¨¢r¨®l adnak b.vebb inform¨¢ci¨®t.
  • 其他摘要:The Zsolnay factory in P¨¦cs is one of the few factories which are well-known not only in Hungary but also in other European countries due to their quality and unique ceramic products. Despite the fact that the Zsolnay ceramics are considered as traditional Hungarian items, we have deficient and partial knowledge about the material characteristics of the products in many aspects. The aim o f this study is to carry out material examination on Zsolnay architectural ceramics (glazed roof tiles) from two buildings in Budapest: Museum of Applied Arts and Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary. The collected complete and broken glazed tiles originate from three different periods of the life of the buildings: the building and two renovation periods. The phase composition of the ceramics was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The texture and the non-plastic components of the ceramics were examined by polarizing and scanning electron microscopy. The microstructure (texture) and chemical composition of the glaze were studied by scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). The ceramics were covered by lead and alkali glazes, which were coloured with iron (yellow glaze) or chromium/copper/iron (green glazes) in the case of the Museum, whereas for the ceramics of the Institute cobalt was applied as colorant in the blue glaze. In addition tin oxide was used as opacifier in the glaze of the tiles of the Institute. The main phases of the ceramic body are quartz, cristobalite, mullite and K-feldspar/plagioclase and hematite in variable amount. The phase composition of the ceramics refers to the application of kaolinite- bearing (kaolin) raw material. The preliminary grouping of the samples, based on previous information about the ceramic material gained during sampling, was confirmed by the analogies in the material characteristics of the objects. All these information together served as a basis for the final grouping and correct age determination of the ceramics. Other characteristics of the distinguished groups, like differences in the ceramic raw material and in the glaze pigments, provide additional information about the production technology of the objects