摘要:A BORBAS Projekt (Borsod Region Bronze Age Settlements) m¨®dszertani alapjainak r.vid bemutat¨¢sa ut¨¢n a dolgozat a Borsodi s¨ªks¨¢g (¨¦szakkelet-Magyarorsz¨¢g) korai ¨¦s k.z¨¦ps. bronzkori telep¨¹l¨¦seinek (hatvani ¨¦s f¨¹zesabonyi id.szak) vizsg¨¢lata sor¨¢n nyert leg¨²jabb kutat¨¢si eredm¨¦nyek r.vid .sszefoglal¨¢sa. Ezen eredm¨¦nyek alapj¨¢n az egyes telep¨¹l¨¦sek fel¨¦p¨ªt¨¦s¨¦r. l ¨¦s fejl. d¨¦s¨¦r. l, egym¨¢shoz val¨® viszonyukr¨®l sokkal r¨¦szletesebb k¨¦p bontakozik ki, mint eddig ismert volt. Esettanulm¨¢nyk¨¦nt Tiszab¨¢bolna ¨C Feh¨¦rl¨®-tanya lel.hely roncsol¨¢smentes kutat¨¢sainak elemz¨¦s¨¦re ker¨¹l sor, r¨¦szletes archaeozool¨®giai ¨¦rt¨¦kel¨¦ssel
其他摘要:In this paper we want to provide a brief introduction to our current research on the Early to Middle Bronze Age (Hatvan to F¨¹zesabony period) settlement sites in the Borsod plain of North-eastern Hungary. Our work is based on intensive archaeological surface survey, aerial photography, topographical measurements and magnetometer survey that provide important data both on the intra and off-site level. With the results obtained so far, it is possible to provide a much more nuanced picture of both the internal structure of the tell and tell-like Bronze Age sites of our study area and their development through time than was hitherto possible. As an example of the ongoing research we will discuss some results of our work at the site of Tiszab¨¢bolna-Feh¨¦rl¨®tanya including the surface finds, magnetometry and archaeozoological results