期刊名称:Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
出版社:Institute of Agricultural Medicine in Lublin
摘要:Introduction. Laboratory discrimination of pathologic hyperprolactinemia is an important step in the diagnosis of pathologyinfluencing overall health and fertility. A major issue is the choice of time and circumstances for obtaining a blood samplefor prolactin assay that would be representative for mean daily plasma concentration of a subject.Objectives. The aim of the study was a comparison of reliability of single prolactin assessment on various time-points ina day with circadian prolactinemia profile in order to find the easiest, the least expensive, and the most reliable method ofhyperprolactinemia diagnosis.Materials and method. The study was a retrospective analysis of 138 women, hospitalized in the Department of Endocrinologyand Metabolic Diseases, Polish Mother`s Memorial Hospital – Research Institute, Lodz, Poland, in whom the circadian profileof prolactin (including assays at 8.00 am, 11.00 am, 2.00 pm, 5.00 pm, 8.00 pm, 11.00 pm, 2.00 am, 5.00 am and repeatedlyat 8.00 am) had been assessed.Results. On the basis of AUC (area under the curve) of prolactin concentrations, hyperprolactinemia was diagnosed in34 subjects (24.6 % of the entire group). The attempts to diagnose hyperprolactinemia based on a single prolactin assayfailed due to a high percentage of false negative and false positive results. Only significant hyperprolactinemia with meanprolactin concentration of about 100 μg/l or more appeared easy to diagnose. Combinations of several time points alsoappeared not reliable enough.Conclusion. The nine-point daily profile of prolactinemia in any patient with clinical suspicion of hyperprolactinemia seemsthe best mode for estimating mean circadian prolactin concentration