期刊名称:Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
出版社:Institute of Agricultural Medicine in Lublin
摘要:Introduction and objectives. Cyclin A, encoded by CCNA (cyclin A) gene with locus in chromosome 4q27, and cyclin B1,encoded by CCNB1 (cyclin B1) gene with locus in chromosome 5q12, are proteins that play a key role in the passage throughthe restriction point in G2 phase of the cell cycle. The aim of the study was to analyse immunohistochemically the expressionof cyclins A and B1 in different variants of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC).Material and methods. The immunostaining patterns of the proteins in question in the tissue of 40 resected PTC (20 casesof classic variant of PTC, 9 cases of PTC follicular variant and 11 cases of other non-classic variants of PTC) were investigated.Results. On analyzing cyclin A and B1 expression, positive staining in 90% cases of PTC were observed. The study revealeda significant difference in expression of cyclins A and B1 between classic and non-classic variants of PTC. The expression ofboth examined cyclins was weaker in the classic variant of PTC. In the group of follicular variant of PTC, the expression ofcyclins was of medium intensity and in the group of other non-classic variants of PTC, the expression was clearly higher.Conclusions. The results of the presented study suggest that cyclins A and B1 expression may have a characteristic patternof immunostaining for particular variants of PTC. If the obtained results are confirmed in a larger group of patients, thediagnostic panel constructed of the antibodies against these proteins may increase the diagnostic accuracy in PTC cases