期刊名称:Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences
摘要:The OECD estimates that small and medium enterprises account for 90% of firms and employ63% of the workforce in the world (Munro: 2013). Small and medium enterprises account for thatamount of businesses thatit is senseless the arbitrariness with which they are defined. Languagemainly used for definition is numbers, but it is difficult to find two institutions, statistical agenciesor countries who speak the same language in terms of small and medium enterprises. Academics,authors, policy makers apply SMEdefinitions in terms of dichotomy between universality andstandardization of a unique definition and relativity and sectored specialization. Althoughqualitative criteria-characteristics of SMEs easily distinguish them from large businesses,quantitative criteria are mainlyused for their dimensional classification. This paper deals with acritical approachto the definition of small and medium enterprises, inconsistencies in criteria andvarious proposed approaches to the definition towards universal acceptance