期刊名称:International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
摘要:Now a day’s web browsers are playing veryimperative role in human life, like sending mails, onlinechat, paying utility bills through online and file sharingetc. As the usage of web browsers are increased day byday in the same manner, the drawbacks are also cominginto the existence. The main drawback of the webbrowser usage is data outflow while exchanging the databetween clients and servers.Our main motto of writing this paper is to identify thereasons regarding data outflow. And to propose a GUIADF(Graphical User Interface-Avoidance of Dataoutflow) scheme to avoid the data outflow in GUI basedweb applications.In our newly proposed GUI-ADF scheme it containsthree modules such as HTTP Monitor, Data RecordManager and Data Organizer. The HTTP Monitorintercepts HTTP requests and responses to analyze thedata in the Web traffic. The Data Record Managerrecords and compares the inbound and outbound dataflows at the granularity of the data elements extracted bythe HTTP Monitor, determining the actual data flows,and more importantly, detecting the dangerous flows.The Data organizer analyzes the data elements, anddetermines their sensitivities.
关键词:GUI-ADF; HTTP; Web Application; Web;Browser; Data outflow and Data organizer