期刊名称:International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies
摘要:Since the secure communicationfor Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) is achallenging problem because sensors are resourceslimited and cost is the most dominant factor in aenergy consumption, for this we introduce anenergy-efficient Virtual Energy-Based Encryptionand Keying (VEBEK) scheme for WSNs thatreduces the number of transmission needed forrekeying the packets. VEBEK is a securecommunication framework where sensed data isencoded by a RC4 encryption mechanism based ona permutation code generator. In the RC4encryption mechanism keys changes dynamicallyas a function of the residual virtual energy of thesensor. Thus, one-time dynamic key is employedfor one packet only and different keys for differentpackets. VEBEK unbundles key generation fromother security services, namely authentication,integrity, non-repudiation. VEBEK is able toefficiently detect & filter false data injected bymalicious outsiders. The VEBEK frameworkconsists of two operational modes (VEBEK-1 andVEBEK-2). Our results show that VEBEK,without incurring transmission overhead is able toeliminate malicious data from the network in anenergy efficient manner.