期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:Humans have always felt very possessive of their belongings. Duringancient times, inhabitants used to live in secure caves so that theywould be protected from unwanted intrusion and from deadlyanimals. The advancement of civilization witnessed better andimproved means of security system being implemented by humans.Technological revolution of modern age has resulted in concept ofsecurity finding widespread popularity. The intruder detection systemthat is described in this report aims to enhance the security in not onlyclosed spaces like offices and homes but also in open areas.This thesis proposes to develop an intruder detection system in whicha continuous monitoring of the area under surveillance is done bytaking the video of the place. The video is captured using a CMOSsensor in the form of frames. These frames are stored and comparedand the error between any two frames is calculated. When there is nointrusion, the error is zero. When there is an intrusion, the error isdisplayed in an LCD display.