期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:The MANETs are the collection of wireless nodes that candynamically form a network anytime and anywhere to exchangeinformation without using any pre-existing infrastructure. Thehighly dynamic nature of MANET coupled with limitedbandwidth and battery power imposes severe restrictions onrouting protocols especially on achieving the routing stability.Due to all these constraints, designing of a routing protocol isstill a challenging task for researchers. In this paper an attempthas been made to evaluate and compare the performance of twomost commonly used on-demand-driven routing protocols namedas AODV & DSR. The performance of both these routingprotocols has been simulated using QualNet 5.0 Simulator. Theresults show that neither of the protocol is better in all situations.For some parameters one outperforms the other and vice-versaas reported in the paper. The conclusions drawn in the paper canbe useful in selecting the better routing protocol depending uponvarious parameters under consideration