期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:We present a new context based event indexing and eventranking model for News Articles. The context event clustersformed from the UNL Graphs uses the modified scoring schemefor segmenting events which is followed by clustering of events.From the context clusters obtained three models are developed-Identification of Main and Sub events; Event Indexing andEvent Ranking. Based on the properties considered from theUNL Graphs for the modified scoring main events and subevents associated with main-events are identified. The temporaldetails obtained from the context cluster are stored usinghashmap data structure. The temporal details are place-wherethe event took; person-who involved in that event; time-whenthe event took place. Based on the information collected fromthe context clusters three indices are generated- Time index,Person index, and Place index. This index gives completedetails about every event obtained from context clusters. A newscoring scheme is introduced for ranking the events. The scoringscheme for event ranking gives weight-age based on the prioritylevel of the events. The priority level includes the occurrence ofthe event in the title of the document, event frequency, andinverse document frequency of the events