期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:The network topology of MANETs changes rapidly and unpredictably and due to the changing topology packet loss is a common phenomenon. Routing protocols used in MANETs are based on the assumption that, all participating nodes will be fully cooperative. But, due to the open structure node misbehavior may exist and packet loss occurs. Among them one type of misbehavior is that some nodes will take part in route establishment processes but they do not respond to forward data packets and simply dismiss the packets. The 2ACK scheme has a higher routing overhead which is caused by the transmission of 2ACK packets. So by reducing the acknowledgment ratio, Rack, the number of 2ACK transmissions can be significantly lowered. The ENHANCED 2ACK scheme is immune to the limited overhearing range issue caused due to low transmission power in the communication link. It solves the problem of ambiguous collisions, receiver collisions, and limited transmission power