期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:In present times, the security of data isbecoming very important. The security of the multimediaor digital data can be improved by using encryptiontechnology. There are many different methods oralgorithm are available to secure confidential image datafrom unauthorized access. The data Security is importantfor secure communication also image integrity plays animportant role during transmission of image data. In thispaper several methods which are useful for securetransmission of image were discussed. Data is embeddedin encrypted image by using different data embeddingmethods. So that it will be very difficult for intruder to getaccess to data. To overcome the drawback of abovediscussed method intra-prediction mode algorithm will beused for improving quality of image
关键词:Decryption; Data compression; Data hiding;Encryption; Intra –prediction mode (IPM)