期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network
出版社:IJCSN publisher
摘要:Vehicle navigation technologies have been aroundfor some time. Even big companies like Google have developedtheir map service. However, we are trying to develop anavigation system that is better than the ones available in thesense that it provides the user with the most optimum route tohis destination, rather than the most shortest route. In this paper,we explore and review various existing technologies, techniquesand work being done on the same. This paper, focuses onoptimum route guidance considering both static as well asdynamic parameters like traffic density, and traffic clearancerate. To realize optimum route guidance system, Real TimeTraffic Congestion Analysis i.e. RTTCA is proposed using A*algorithm based on real time traffic information
关键词:A* algorithm; shortest route; navigation system