期刊名称:International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering
摘要:In this paper the author describes about what is Web 2.0, how It evolves from Web 1.0, differences between Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 and how we can use Web 2.0 in best practice manner. The author analyses how Web 2.0 can be used in Web Personalization and site structure. There is considerable excitement about the notion of 'Web 2.0', particularly among Internet business people. In contrast, there is an almost complete lack of formal literature on the topic. It is important that movements with such energy and potential be subjected to critical attention, and that industry and social commentators have the opportunity to draw on the eCommerce research literature in formulating their views. The author assesses the available information about Web 2.0, with a view to stimulating further work that applies existing theories, proposes new ones, observes and measures phenomena, and tests the theories. The primary interpretation of the concept derives from marketers, but the complementary technical and communitarian perspectives are also considered. A common theme derived from the analysis is that of 'syndication' of content, advertising, storage, effort and identity