期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Recent day’s totaling famous study of master slave computing. Master slave computing to provide potential benefits are higheravailability (multiple nodes to read from) and quicker response times (when doing reads from slaves). The proposed study ofmaster slave computing work tells a study about Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) approach, it’s used to can easily beadded or removed during execution. In the traditional system, the Master slave approach compares two overheads namely,Transmission and blocking time. In the master slave system, the master can order the modules to the worker (slave), the slaveexecutes the modules by their order of slave. The successful sourcing computation values are computed based on the thresholdvalue, where the threshold value, key, found value, computation. In the found value is equal to the threshold value where thealgorithm is runs for the first request. After finishing the response can be executed. Finally this paper shows overall performanceresults with the comparison of found value and the threshold value specifications to confirm the security of information in thesystem