期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:This paper investigates the benefit of network coding for TCP traffic in a wireless mesh network. COPE, a new architecture forwireless mesh networks is also introduced. Packets are mixed (i.e., coded) by routers from different source nodes to increase the informationcontent during every transmission. Intelligently mixing the packets increase network throughput. The results show that COPE largelyincreases network throughput. Depending on the traffic pattern, congestion level, and transport protocol used, gains in throughput vary.Network coding not only reduces the number of transmissions by sending multiple packets via a single transmission but also results in asmaller loss probability due to reduced contention on the wireless medium. Coding opportunity can be increased by inducing small delays atintermediate nodes. However, this extra delay at intermediate nodes results in longer round-trip-times that adversely affect TCP throughput