期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:This paper proposes a high capacityreversible image watermarking scheme based oninteger wavelet transforms. The proposed schemedivides an input image into non-overlapping blocksand embeds a watermark into the high frequencywavelet coefficients of each block.The conditions to avoid both underflow andoverflow in the spatial domain are derived for anarbitrary wavelet and block size. The payload to beembedded includes not only messages but also sideinformation used to reconstruct the exact originalimage. To minimize the mean-squared distortionbetween the original and the watermarked imagesgiven a payload, the watermark is adaptivelyembedded into the image.The experimental results show that the proposedscheme achieves higher embedding capacity whilemaintaining distortion at a lower level than theexisting reversible watermarking schemes
关键词:Reversible watermarking; Wavelet;transform; watermarking embedding and extraction