期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Nowadays, the use of biometric characteristics (e.g., palmprints, irises, fingerprints) is incrementing for individualrecognition and many applications of biometrics are already available. Biometrics recognition has many advantages over thetraditionally used methods (e.g., password, smart card), because biometric characteristics cannot be shared or forgotten, as it isinherently associated with the individual.The main focus of Biometrics authentication system is on revocability, security, privacy, accuracy and privacy. In this fastdeveloping communication world, one of the essential requirement is security of biometrics information. In this paper, abiometric authentication system with 2-way security is being proposed, which basically concerns with user’s privacy, networksecurity, trust issues, template protection, and accuracy. Encryption of biometric details is done twice. That’s why; we calledthe system two way secured. None of the extra information is being disclosed to any unsafe network or any server’s databaseabout the biometrics or user. Two different encryption algorithms are used at the client and server side. Modified version ofRSA algorithm, i.e., RSA-2 algorithm is used at one side which is a public key cryptography and other encryption algorithmused is private key cryptography, 3DES algorithm.No restrictions are possessed on the biometric data used in the proposed approach and it is also applicable for differentbiometrics (palm print, face, iris, and finger print). An additional layer of security in authentication is being provided by usingtwo way encryption schemes when compared with existing systems
关键词:Biometrics; Cryptography; Public Key Cryptography; Revocability; Security