期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In the present time bandwidth efficiency is one of the most important parameter to measure different modulation scheme indigital communication. Due to the separation of waveforms of all the existing modulation schemes in time domain it becomesdifficult to improve their bandwidth efficiency. Hence it was become very important for researchers to proposed such a schemethat able to improves the bandwidth efficiency of our existing modulation schemes to make them more reliable as per theirincreasing demands. Latest study in the same field results a new scheme named as Compressive Modulation (CM) whichcombines Compressive Sensing (CS) with traditional BPSK pattern that leads to highly improved bandwidth efficiency oftraditional BPSK. In the current work we are going to use the CS theory with traditional OFDM to make it more bandwidthefficient than traditional one