期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:The basic idea in VANETs is to have an adhoc connection between close by vehicles. The routing in vehicular networks isexposed to danger by the harmful nodes which aim to endanger the delivery of messages. Compromised nodes can extremely impact theperformance of the network by capitalizing a number of attacks. To minimize these problems, a way of securing beacon-less routingalgorithm for vehicular environments (S-BRAVE) against selective forwarding attacks using neighbouring nodes as guard nodes isdeveloped. They watch for the message to be sent by the next forwarder, in case this vehicle does not forward the message, they take theresponsibility of sending the message to the next hop. To increase the packet delivery ratio S-BRAVE routing algorithm is extended byincluding the traffic awareness of the roads, thereby routing the packets in a denser environment gives higher probability of delivering thepackets to their respective destinations.