期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:The Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal is a biological non-stationary signal which containsimportant information about various activities of Brain. Analysis of EEG signals is useful for diagnosis ofmany neurological diseases such as epilepsy, tumors, and various problems associated with trauma. EEGmeasured by placing electrodes on scalp usually has very small amplitude , so the analysis of EEG signaland the extraction of information from this signal is a difficult problem. EEG signal become morecomplicated to analyze by the introduction of artifacts such as line noise, eye blinks, eye movements,heartbeat, breathing, and other muscle activities. Proper diagnosis of disease requires faultless analysis ofthe EEG signals. The problem of denoising is quite varied due to variety of signals and noise. Discretewavelet transform provides effective solution for denoising non-stationary signals such as EEG due to itsshrinkage property