期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:The stability of fixed-speed induction generator (FSIG)-based wind turbines can be improved by a StatCom, which is wellknown and documented in the literature for balanced grid voltagedips. Under unbalanced grid voltage dips, the negative-sequencevoltage causes heavy generator torque oscillations that reduce thelifetime of the drive train. In this paper, investigations on an FSIGbasedwind farm in combination with a StatCom under unbalancedgrid voltage fault are carried out by means of theory, simulations,and measurements. A StatCom control structure with the capabilityto coordinate the control between the positive and the negativesequence of the grid voltage is proposed. The results clarify the effectof the positive- and the negative-sequence voltage compensation by aStatCom on the operation of the FSIG-based wind farm. With firstpriority, the StatCom ensures the maximum fault-ride-throughenhancement of the wind farm by compensating the positivesequencevoltage. The remaining StatCom current capability of theStatCom is con-trolled to compensate the negative-sequence voltage,in order to reduce the torque oscillations. The theoretical analysesare verified by simulations and measurement results on a 22-kWlaboratory setup.
关键词:Induction generator; low-voltage ride through;StatCom; wind energy