期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Reversible logic is one of the mostessential issues at present time due to its power reductioncapability in circuit designing. It finds application invarious fields including quantum computing , opticalcomputing , nano technology , computer graphic ,cryptography . Dissipation of a significant amount ofenergy is achieved in the conventional digital circuitsbecause bits of information are erased during the logicoperations. Thus, if logic gates are designed in such away that the information bits are not destroyed, thenit is possible to reduce the power consumptiondramatically. The information bits are not lost in case ofa reversible computation. This has led to thedevelopment of reversible gates. The reversible circuitsdo not lose information and can generate uniqueoutputs from the specified inputs. The main purposes ofdesigning reversible logic are to decrease quantumcost and the number of garbage outputs. This paperrepresents the realization of differentMULTIPLEXERS and a MULTI LOGIC FUNCTIONGENERATOR circuit for generating multiple logicalfunctions simultaneously using COG gates. And aCONTROLLED MULTI LOGIC FUNCTIONGENERATOR circuit for generating any specified output ina controlled way. This paper also proposes the design ofALU which have better performance in terms ofquantum cost. The proposed work leads to animprovement of 20% and 17% in terms of gate countand quantum cost. The simulation and verification of theseare done in XILINX software.