期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In large parking areas such as those at mega shopping malls or stadiums, driversalways have difficulty to find vacant car park lots especially during peak periods or when theparking lots are almost full. A solution to reduce the drivers‟ searching time for vacant carparklots will greatly save time, reduce cost and improve the traffic flow in the car park areas.In this paper, a research project which was developed to acquire car-park occupancyinformation using integrated approach of image processing algorithms is presented.Motivation for developing this system came from the fact that minimum cost is involvedbecause image processing technique is used rather than sensor-based techniques. Securitysurveillance cameras which are readily available in most car parks can be used to acquire theimages of the car park. This solution is much cost effective than installing sensor on eachparking lot. This project is called as Car-Park Occupancy Information System (COINS), andit was tested using simulation model and also in real-case scenarios.