期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:In this paper, I will propose and analyze binary ZCD (zero correlation duration) code and PN (pseudonoise) codes ofultra wide band (UWB) systems for wireless body area network (WBAN). In wireless body area network, there are many types ofwireless communication devices on a human body, multiple access interference (MAI) can occur. Systems with less MAI effecthave more efficiency and less harmful effect. The performance is checked and resulted in terms of BER (bit error rate) of UWBsystem for different devices in WBAN channel and different length of ZCD and PN (pseudonoise) codes. Firstly for twodevices(one with ZCD code and one with PN code) and then for three devices. From simulation results, it is confirmed that theUWB system with the ZCD code achieves better performance compared with that of (PN) code