期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science
摘要:Although tremendous progress has been made in the past years on watermarking for protecting information from incidental oraccidental hacking, there still exists a number of problems. De-Identification is a process which can be used to ensure privacy byconcealing the identity of individuals captured by video surveillance systems. One important challenge is to make the obfuscationprocess reversible so that the original image/video can be recovered by persons in possession of the right security credentials. Thiswork presents a novel Reversible De-Identification method that can be used in conjunction with any obfuscation process. Theresidual information needed to reverse the obfuscation process is compressed, authenticated, encrypted and embedded within theobfuscated image using a two-level Reversible Watermarking scheme. The proposed method ensures an overall single-passembedding capacity of 1.25 bpp, where 99.8% of the images considered required less than 0.8 bpp while none of them requiredmore than 1.1 bpp. Experimental results further demonstrate that the proposed method managed to recover and authenticate allimages considered.