标题:Excise Tax on Alcohol According to Legal Law of Slovak Republic In Terms Of Eu Secondary Law Transposition / Spotrebná Daň Z Liehu V Právnom Poriadku Slovenskej Republiky Z Hľadiska Transpozície Sekundárneho Práva Eú
摘要:Distilling industry is among the traditional sectors of the food industry. It is a significant producers of agricultural primary production and the most stable component of demand in the labour market. Among all the sectors of the food industry, however, it is subject to the greatest extent of the regulation of the business by state, when a crucial component of regulation is the legal regulation of the selection of the excise tax on alcohol. Given the considerable degree of regulation of excise taxes on alcoholic beverages by one of the secondary law of the EU, it is considered appropriate to assess the level of transposition of basic elements of excise tax on alcohol, as defined by literature, into the legal order of the Slovak Republic.
关键词:tax on alcohol ; taxpayer of alcohol ; the subject of the tax on alcohol ; the tax base on alcohol and the tax rate on alcohol ; daň z liehu ; platiteľ dane z liehu ; predmet dane z liehu ; zaklad dane z liehu a sadzba dane z liehu