期刊名称:OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers
出版社:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
摘要:This report analyses the impact of Chile’s free trade agreements (FTAs) on fresh fruitexports. It finds that the FTAs have been important instruments for providing increasedmarket access for Chilean products based on both an econometric analysis and structuredsurveys of exporters. While the impacts on profits were not considered to very significantaccording to exporters, the agreements are considered necessary to maintain a levelplaying field with Chile’s competitors. Both SAG, Chile’s plant and animal healthauthority, and Pro-Chile, Chile’s export promotion agency, were viewed as essential topromoting Chile’s reputation as an exporter of quality products. Interviews with tradeassociations covering a wide range of export products, found that while the FTAsprovided entry points into markets, actual market access did not always benefit all sectorsequally.This report was declassified by the OECD Joint Working Party on Agriculture andTrade on 24 May 2013
关键词:Free Trade Agreements( FTAs); fruit exports; agricultural trade impacts;exporter surveys and tariff concessions