期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The Cooperative Communication is a technology that allows multiple nodes to simultaneously transmitthesame data. It can save power and extend transmission coverage. However, prior research work on topologycontrolconsiders CC only in the aspect of energy saving, not that of coverage extension. We identify the challenges inthedevelopment of a centralized topology control scheme, named Cooperative Bridges, which reduces transmissionpower ofnodes as well as increases network connectivity. Prior research on topology control with CC only focuses onmaintainingthe network connectivity, minimizing the transmission power of each node, whereas ignores the energyefficiency of paths inconstructed topologies. This may cause inefficient routes and hurt the overall networkperformance in cooperative ad hocnetworks. we propose a distributed energy-efficient selective diversity(EESD)topology control to improve energy efficiency in thenetwork, which jointly considers network capacity andenergyconsumption in terms of bits per Joule. EESD forms transmissioncoalitions via cooperative manner (i.e,diversity) selections, bytaking into account the cost of channel information exchange.We then formulate EESD as acoalition game and propose anadaptive coalition formation algorithm for EESD with proved convergence property andstable coalition structures. Simulationresults show the performance improvement of EESD in energyefficiencycompared to the existing topology control system
关键词:Cooperative communication; topology control; power efficient; greedy algorithm; Optimum relay