期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:We enhance existing and introduce new social network privacy management models and thatwe live their human effects. First, we tend to introduce a mechanism exploitation tried cluster techniques that assistsusers in grouping their friends for ancient group- based mostly policy management approaches. we tend to foundmeasurable agreement between clusters and user-defined relationship teams. Second, we tend to introduce areplacement privacy management model that leverages users‘ memory and opinion of their friends (called examplefriends) to line policies for different similar friends. Finally, we tend to explore completely different techniques that aidusers in choosing example friends. we tend to found that by associating policy temples with example friends(versus cluster labels), users author policies a lot of expeditiously and have improved perceptions over ancient groupbasedpolicy management approaches. additionally, our results show that privacy management models maybe additional increased by utilizing user privacy sentiment for mass customization. By police work user privacysentiment (i.e., AN unconcerned user, a pragmatist or a fundamentalist), privacy management models maybe mechanically tailored specific to the privacy sentiment and desires of the user.
关键词:Policy; human factors; privacy; access control; social network; Clasuet Newman Moore ( CNM );Model