期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Routing protocols are categories as table driven and on demand protocol. In table driven protocol allpossible routes are already stored in the routing table at each node. Proactive protocols generate route on demand. Inboth type of routing bandwidth available for communication is limited. It is challenging to maintain desired throughputdue to dynamic nature, limited bandwidth, and interference during communication. Throughput of ad hoc network isdepends upon the parameters pause time of nodes, number of nodes, maximum speed and maximum connections ofnodes of ad hoc network. We propose fuzzy logic to maintain desired throughput. Desired throughput is given as inputto fuzzy inference system. The outcome of fuzzy system defines values for pause time, number of nodes, maximumspeed and maximum connections. It helps to maintain desired throughput. Network simulator NS2.34 is used toperform simulations. Matlab is used to develop fuzzy inference system.