期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:By tremendous improvement of pinpoint localization, more number of geo-social applications are usedby millions, which gives an opportunity to interact, also sharing locations to unknown. However today’s geo-socialapplication have many privacy issues, which can easily misused by an expert even a well known person. LocX is alatest technique used for providing security in geosocial application. In LocX working scenario, Location coordinatesare transformed before updating to server. User must exchange their secret key prior to location sharing , . Medium ofsharing key is via mail or messages. This mechanism is not suited for high end geosocial applications. One user canhold the secret key of his N friends. LocX is efficient but not a novel method, for reduce the complexity a newtechnique for Location privacy is introduced ,using attribute based encryption instead of sharing secret keys. Byadopting this way, it provides performance overhead and ease of use.
关键词:Location privacy; security; location-based social applications;coordinate transformation