期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The problem of automatically matching composite sketches to facial photographs is addressed in thissynopsis. Previous research on sketch recognition focused on matching sketches drawn by professional artists whoeither looked directly at the subjects (viewed sketches) or used a verbal description of the subject’s appearance asprovided by an eyewitness (forensic sketches). Forensic sketches differ from viewed sketches in that they are drawn bya police sketch artist using the description of the subject provided by an eyewitness. Unlike sketches hand drawn byartists, composite sketches are synthesized using one of the several facial composite software systems available to lawenforcement agencies. I propose a component-based representation (CBR) approach to recognize face photo usingcomposite sketch and measure the similarity between a composite sketch and mugshot photograph. Specifically, I willfirst automatically detect facial landmarks in composite sketches and face photos using an active shape model (ASM).The features are then extracted for each facial component using multiscale local binary patterns (MLBPs) and percomponent similarity is calculated. Finally, the similarity scores obtained from individual facial components are fusedtogether, yielding a similarity score between a composite sketch and a face photo. By using gender informationmatching performance is further improved by filtering the large gallery of mugshot images. I believe that the prototypesystem will be of great value to law enforcement agencies in apprehending suspects in a timely fashion.
关键词:Component based face representation; composite sketch; face recognition; forensic sketch;heterogeneous face recognition; modality gap