期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:On demand routing protocols provide scalable and cost effective solutions for transferring packets inmobile ad hoc networks (MANET). A wireless sensor network is a collection of distributed nodes to monitor and alsoto transmit their data from sensor network to a sink node. In wireless sensor network, sensor nodes are located nearbyto each other and also communicating with each other through data routing. In wireless sensor network, the data routingtakes place in non-aggregated manner will require more energy. Energy conservation is the major issue in wirelesssensor network. In this work we propose Improvised data routing with in-network aggregation algorithm which canaddress this energy consumption issue. It uses data aggregation technique and it can be effective in routing. Thus dataaggregation is useful for increasing data accuracy, elimination of data redundancy, reduction of communication loadalong with reducing energy consumption
关键词:Data aggregation; in-network aggregation; cluster; routing; energy efficiency.