期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
DOI:10.15680/ijircce.2015. 0307053
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Biometric identify the physiological or behavioural characteristics which capability is to reliable fordistinct between an authorized person and an imposter. Signature verification systems defined as offline which is staticand online which is dynamic. Here this paper presents the neural network and mda with surf feature which is based onrecognition of offline signatures system that is skilled with low resolution which scans the signature images.The personsignature is important biometric quality of a human being which can be used to authenticate human identity wheresignatures handled as an image and recognized by using computer vision, neural network and mda with surf featuretechniques. Develop fast algorithms for signature recognition with the help of modern computers.Paper having off-linesignature recognition & verification using neural network and mda which proposed surf feature where signature iscaptured and present to user in an image format. Verify the signature which based on parameters that extracted from thesignature using various image processing techniques. Off-line signature recognition and verification implementation forthis proposed work use the Matlab software