期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Now a day there is drastic increase in the usage of internet among masses. The usage of inte rnet is leading to the generation of large data sets. Efficient handling of such large data (also known as Big Data) is an ongoing important research across the world. Handling of Big Data includes storage and processing of Big Data. Also analysing the Big Data, this includes discovering the pattern or knowledge discovery from the Big Data which is called as "Big Data analysis". Increase in Internet usage is mainly because of the social media popularity. Twitter is an online social networking site which all ows users to post real time short messages. These messages are limited to 140 characters and called as "tweets". In this paper we are proposing a methodology to collect and store live twitter data and perform sentimental analysis using machine learning te chniques and provide some prediction. To store the live data fetched we are using MongoDB a NoSQL database, the output of the analysis will be trend analysis with different sections that is positive, negative and neutral