期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The escalating intensity of wireless communication in today’s environment, individuals often mandatoryQOS for sharing their data between the nodes. A wireless hybrid network that join together a Mobile Wireless Ad hocNetwork (MANET) and a wireless infrastructure network has been proven to be a better alternative for the nextgeneration wireless networks. By directly approve resource hesitation based QOS routing for MANET in a hybridnetwork Inherit invalid hesitation and race condition problems in MANET.To propose a Neighbor selection algorithm,in that an intermediate node assigns the highest priority to the packet with the closest deadline and forwards the packetwith the highest priority first. The propose Packet Scheduling for packet routing. This algorithm assigns earliergenerated packets to forwarders with higher queuing delays and scheduling feasibility, while assigns more recentlygenerated packets to forwarders with lower queuing delays and scheduling Feasibility, so Data redundancy eliminationalgorithm that the transmission delay of an entire packet stream can be reduced. A mobility-based segment resizingalgorithm that adaptively adjusts segment size according to node mobility in order to reduce transmission time basedtransmission algorithmic rule eliminates the redundant data to boost the QoS of the packet transmission. A trafficredundant elimination algorithm to increase the transmission throughput. To propose a QoS Oriented DistributedRouting Protocol (QOD) for hybrid networks to provide QoS services in a highly dynamic scenario.The advantage ofthe unique features of hybrid networks. The proposed is an efficient secure distributed QOS protocol that addressessome issues specific to Hybrid wireless networks which are communication delay, cost, mobility, and link unreliability.