期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper presents an optimized noise-reduction algorithm for noisy interferometric fringe patternimage. We simulated an interferometric fringe pattern image and incorporated different additive type of Gaussiannoises. Due to inclusion of the noise in the interferogram, the image is disturbed and it is important to retrieve phaseinformation from fringes for further process of wavefront error estimation for the adaptive optics applications. Thispaper reports the faster denoising algorithm of 2D Fourier transform approach with data parallelism using LabVIEW inan optimized way. To reduce the data from the interferogram, single dimensional and two dimensional FourierTransform are used for comparison of which is fast and accurate.
关键词:Adaptive Optics; Shearing Interferometer; 2D Fourier Transform; data parallelism