期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Delay tolerant network utilize the mobility of node and opportunistic contact among nodes for datacommunication. Due to this nature of DTNs, malware based attacks are increased tremendously. In modern network themalware is one of the life-threatening issues and it can be identified by many characters. Such character based issuesare named as email spam, Denial of service and Trojan like viruses. Now a day’s DTN (Delay Tolerant Network) issuffering from the above malware related issues. So defending those malware attacks using novel techniques is themain aim, of our proposed system. In order to thwart those attacks in DTN, our system introduces a new HybridMalware Detection and Removal technique in DTN named as HMDR. The proposed system deals with severalmalware detection issues and identifies the misbehaving nodes by collecting and validating their evidence usingeffective signature scheme. The hybrid malware detection and removal techniques analyses every node along with thebehavioral score using behavioral game theory. The proposed system uses a hybrid malware detection and removaltechnique to find and remove the malware. In HMDR, each node in the DTN itself checks for the malware, and nodecarry the acknowledgement when they completes the verification, and signature will be appended if their verification issuccessful. If node exceeds the behavioural score then declare that the node is a malicious, this information will bedisseminated to other nodes. To avoid further transmission from those nodes, HMDR put node information into theblacklist. No more than packets accept from attacker node. These are all the mechanisms effectively integrated againstthe malwares in DTN. The results show that the hybrid technique increases the efficiency and reduces the verificationtime.
关键词:Delay and Disruption Tolerant (DTN); Malware detection; malware removal; Game theory; signature;schemes.