摘要:R egional variations in alcohol consumption patterns exist within England (Plant, 2009), with Northerners reportedly the heaviest drinkers (ONS, 2005; Bellis et al., 2007; Hay & Bauld, 2010). Moreover, the increases in alcohol consumption and binge drinking patterns in young people have been found to be more likely among individuals from more deprived areas (Chief Medical Officer, 2008). Young people in London are much less likely to have ever drunk alcohol than those living elsewhere in the UK. In London, 39% had drunk alcohol; compared to 63% in the North East. In London, 12% of 11- to 15-year-olds had drunk alcohol in the last week compared to 26% in the North East. The mean consumption of alcohol (units of alcohol) of those who drank in the last week also varies by region. The amount consumed is lowest in London (11.3 units) and highest in the North East (17.7 units), (The NHS Information Centre, 2008).