期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering Research
摘要:In t he micro grid system, the di strib uted energy resource (DER) -ba sed single-phase inverter i s usually ado pted. In ord er to red uce conversio n lo sses, the key is to save co sts and si ze by remo ving any kind of tra nsformer as well as reducing the po wer devices. The obj ective of this pap er is to study a novel nine-level Mul tistri ng i nverter topo logy for DERs-based dc/ac conversio n system. In thi s study, a hi gh step-up convert er is introduced a s a front-end sta ge to imp rove the conversion effici ency of conventio nal b oost converters a nd to stab ilize the outp ut d c vo ltag e of various DERs such as photovoltaic and fuel cell mo dules fo r use wit h the simplifi ed multilevel i nverter. The simp lified multilevel inverter req uires only fo ur a ctive switches and ei ght such cascaded H-b ridg e multilevel i nverters. The stud ied Mul tistri ng invert er to pology offers strong ad vant ages such as i mproved outp ut waveforms. Index Terms¡ª DC/ AC p ower conversion, mult ilevel inverter.