期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering Research
摘要:Motion Based Summari zatio n and Group ing of Events for Video Surveillance is one o f the approach for detecti ng d ynamic a nd co mpl ex scenes in comp uter visio n. It aims to automa ticall y recognize a nd track peop le and objects fro m image seq uences in ord er t o understa nd a nd d escribe dynamics a nd interactio ns a mong them. Furthermore we propose a gro uping of events people running together, fig hting, et c. This method can handl e bo th symmetric and asymmetric gro up activities. Vi deo based summa riza tion ha ve t he potent ial t o assist in ma inta ining pub lic safety and securit y.
关键词:Vi deo Survei llance; Vi de o Summarization; ; Gr ouping of Events ; Moti on bas ed su mmarization .