期刊名称:International Journal of Engineering Research
摘要:Oxide io n co nductors have been studied fo r ma ny years beca use of their ap plica tion in devi ces with hig h economical interest such as sol id o xide fuel cel ls, o xygen sensors , dense cera mic membranes for ox ygen sep arat ion. In this pa per nano powders were synthesized via sol g el metho d. The si nteri ng t emp era ture to comp lete pha se transi tion are above 50 0.c. As-p repa red yttri a doped Bi2 O3 nano cryst als were cha racterized b y X-ray diffracti on (XRD) a nd tra nsmissio n electron microscope (TEM). Transmissi on electro n microscope (TEM) investiga tions revealed that t he averag e pa rticle size is less than 3 0 nm fo r these po wders. It's wo rth noting that resul ts show a go od agreement of bot h method s. The morp holo gy o f the powders were o bserved on Fi eld Emission scanning electron microsco pe (FESEM). Ionic co nductivit y measured b y AC impeda nce spect roscopy.
关键词:Nanop owders ; So l-gel ; Electron microscopy; ; Impedance spectroscopy; Subs titut ed ; Bi2O3.